Monday, May 10, 2010

Food Glorious Food

I will eat pretty much anything. I have lot's of quirks about how what I eat is made or prepared, but other than that I'm just happy to be fed.

Cat will not eat anything other than one certain brand of dried cat food and one brand and only one flavor of cat treats. This has always baffled me. I have had many other cat's and they have had a wide and bizarre range of strange food cravings, but not the Cat........

I have tried to tempt Cat with everything imaginable; Canned cat foods, milk, real fish, cooked chicken and turkey, greens, eggs, chips, hash browns, ice cream and anything you can think of. I guess Cat is happy with his usual fare, but as a pet owner, you know part of the fun is feeding them treats or spoiling them on occasion with no-no foods.

I had given up until recently when he found a piece of cooked white rice and ate it. Maybe he thought it was a bug, those he'll eat. So now the quest or ummm my obsession to find those people foods Cat will eat is going full force again.

Here is a list of strange foods that previous cat's of mine have taken a liking to:

1. Cold cooked sweet potatoes- That was nearly the only people food this cat would eat.

2. Saltines, bread and chips. This cat would tear through the plastic on a loaf of bread to get at it.
I had to put the bread in the fridge the moment I took it out of the grocery bag.

3. Pasta water - cooled off of course.

4. Watermelon

5. Mac n cheese- the box kind

6. Hash rounds -salted only.

7. Taco's.

8. Green beans- canned only.

9. Toaster pastries

10. Corn

and so on...

anyone else have strange foods their pets crave?

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