~Nap Often~

~Nap Often~

Cat Tidbits

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I am the cat, nothing else matters~

Friday, July 9, 2010


When I have a nice block of time for myself I like to escape from reality. Whether I have six hours or two days, I always indulge my need to decompress from the demands of friends, family, the Cat, society and such.

Sometimes it's a Jane Austen movie marathon in my pajamas. Other times it's a sci-fi oldies weekend with a great chicken Alfredo pizza. Oh-yeah, I know how to indulge my senses and being a creature of comfort it doesn't take me long to zero in on what my needs are for that decompression to take over and seep into my bones.

A long bubble-bath and a glam magazine, a nap in the middle of the day, a drive around lake-country listening to my favorite music or just a great book.

The last great book I read, I devoured it in 24 hours. I stayed in my jammies on my couch with that book and read, ate, sipped coffee, nibbled on cheese cake, and took little cat naps. It was one of my favorite weekends alone. I think Cat managed to snuggle briefly with me but he knew his competition was tough. If he had misbehaved during this little downtime festival, I may have locked him in the bedroom, I think he behaved because he knew that this was not about him for once.

I find that most often my best decompression time is in my pj's. I am not sure why, maybe because my senses require my pj's to be to softer than cashmere and it soothes my soul. Maybe it's psychological in the sense that I am now in my private downtime clothes, I am not going to go anywhere or answer the door to unannounced visitors, it's me time. I guess in a sense it's the way I issue permission to myself to relax and just be and unplug from everything.

Cat didn't get much of a blog mention today, but he is usually the center of my universe and today it's just about me and that's okay.
the book was: The White Queen, by Philippa Gregory. This is the first in a new trilogy in the time period of the Cousin wars. I had not been a huge fan of her previous books, but this one is really amazing.

The details of my relaxing regime.

No braziers allowed during downtime, actually anytime I am at home. I don't even want to see one!

I usually wear thin brushed cotton t's and pajama bottoms. They have the feel of having been washed 100 times and just float on your skin. I can't stand anything scratchy, lacy or frilly.

No make up, just a lil moisturizer. And my hair is a free for all, let lay where it may.

I often turn on the AC unit in the summer or a fan in winter(on hi) to drown out any outside noises. I really don't want to hear the neighbors lawn mower or snow blower while I am trying to escape reality.

I often turn off my phone and computer and devote this time to me. I want to be absorbed in my books or movies. Good-bye reality.

If I am going to drive through the lake country, I usually do it about an hour before dusk. The lowering sun in the sky let's the colors of the trees and water be richer and less harsh. Also at twilight the the frogs, birds and crickets are all singing. The heat of the day starts to give way and as I drive through the rolling roads I catch the cool patches of air that are filled with a heavier/richer scent of the water and the fields. -Temperature changes how things smell, try it. -

Bubble-baths are one of my favorite escapes. I have stayed in them so long I have gotten heat stroke. Not good, I don't recommend it. But I like it hot in the winter time and surrounded by the smell of sandalwood incense or candles. Earthy tones tend to make me more relaxed than perfumed or flowery scents. A bath pillow is a must and a beverage. I like to bring a bottle of icy water to sip on. I also use this time to try out homemade bath teas and such. After a long soak I always feel renewed and this is usually my first step in my decompression process.

Movies! I usually go with my mood, NEVER just what's available. If they don't have Casablanca or Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, I move along to another video store. I know what my soul needs and I want my downtime to be as close to perfect as can be without getting stressed about the perfect part.

I really won't answer the door if I am not expecting someone. I don't care if this inconveniences others, this time is mine. Come back later or call ahead. Deal with it. I am not being rude, I am setting boundaries to take care of myself, if others cannot accept or respect that then that is their problem, not mine.

Sofa, bed or recliner? Pick your comfort zone. I almost never decompress in my bed. It's just not as comforting to me as the sofa. My couch is my cozy zone. Know your zone!

Once I am in downtime mode I almost never leave the house. So I always make sure I have everything I need to just chill and unplug from the world ahead of time.

I always feel better after a good downtime party. I can slip back into reality again and feel like my batteries are recharged and give the people I love and the Cat, the best part of myself and not just what's left over.